Woo Hoo! First Blog!
Wow! Never would've pictured myself as a blogger, but there's a first for everything! I would like to start with an introduction. As some of you might know, I plan to begin my very own photography business. I am a high school student, which may make this a challenge, but I am motivated and determined to get my business to where I would like it to be. Many of you might be wondering "Who is this girl?", "Does she have any experience in this field?", or maybe you're just curious about what I have to offer as an amateur photographer.
I began shooting portraits about a year or two ago. I started using my parents camera, which was quite complicated for me to maneuver. As time went on, and I shot more and more pictures, did more and more research (Pinterest was my best friend), and I learned nearly every function that my DSLR has to offer. From ISO to Shutter speed, I finally knew which settings were right for the types of images I was capturing. Anywhere from portraits, to landscapes, to macrophotography, I seemed to finally figure it out.
Being as young as I am, photography publicity definitely has its struggles. As a high school student, I may not be taken as seriously as adults. This has been one of the few complications that has played a role in creating my own business. I believe that my artwork shows my talent, and my maturity does the talking. With this mindset, beautiful people, moments, and emotions can be spread. My photography is meant to capture the inner and outer beauty of the world around me, ranging from portraits in my home crafted "DIY" studio, to Minnesota skylines, to many other visual arts.
I plan to take my hobby of photography and make something not only big, but huge. I dream to attend a four year university or private four year college, majoring in business. From there I would like to achieve my goal of a Master's Degree in fine arts. Dreaming big can lead one down a path of excellence, and that is what I plan to do.