Tips & Tricks: How To Get Comfortable With Your Photography Clients
Nervous for a session with a client you've never met before? Or what about a client you have had in the past, but things were slightly awkward? I get it. Nerves are always a factor in some aspect of life.
No one likes being nervous, which is why there are ways to avoid those nerves all with a little extra practice. Wondering what I mean by practice? Well, practice from my point of view is broken down into three main elements.
Knowledge of what you are trying to accomplish. This tends to be tough at times, especially when we forget what the goal is! Stay on track, focus on what you are trying to accomplish, and know how to accomplish it.
Testing the tips and tricks! (We will get to those in a minute I promise) These tips and tricks are given as a way to ease up the tension or awkwardness between yourself and your client. Test them out on your new clients! Find which ones work for you and which ones don't!
Spice things up a bit! If you are having problems with getting your client comfortable, try something different! Do your research, ask questions, have some fun! There's always a way to ensure that your clients are comfortable enough to have fun, you just might have to explore your options a bit!
Now, onto these tips and tricks!
Make small talk.
Ask your clients questions about themselves! People love talking about themselves, making your job as the photographer just a bit easier! Talk about school, talk about work, talk about family, friends, interests, hobbies, you name it! The more you get to know your subject and their personality, the better your pictures will turn out.
2. Give your subject something to think about.
The main problem with portrait photography and uncomfortable clients is the dull look in the eyes. This occurs when the client can't think about anything other than the picture being taken. Give your client something to think about, whether it's the hockey game that was on TV the other night, or their favorite thing to do in the summer, this will make it easier for both you as the photographer and your client relax.
3. Take warm up pictures.
This has got to be one of my favorite tricks that I have used, and it is the trick I use the most! Tell your client or clients that you are taking practice pictures. This will lead to them to thinking that the "warm up" images will be deleted anyways, making it easier for your client to be goofy and have a good time. The goal for these warm-up pictures is to really bring out the personality of your subject.
4. Be Silly!
Odds are if you're acting excited and silly, your client will as well. Step out of your comfort zone and make the most of your time with your client.
5. Create a worksheet for your client to fill out beforehand.
Make this one a fun one! Ask them questions about themselves, what kind of pictures they would like taken, their favorite colors, etc. This will prepare you before hand for what your client wants during the session. Really ask questions that will get your client to exploit their personality to you! Lead them to see that your work is fun and exciting but at the same time serious and important. Example : Client Form -INorthphoto
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Model : Katie Soukkala
Copyright: INorthphoto. Isabel North 2017